23 05

WJI 2019, Day 6 PM: Our First (Somewhat) Sun Since Arrival

Today we saw the sun, the scent of freshly cut grass replaced the scent of rain from yesterday and for the latter bit we got to enjoy the fresh air.

At lunch, the big screen in the cafeteria provided an informative look at the history and business sides of WORLD Magazine as we Skyped Joel Belz, the founder, and Kevin Martin, the CEO. Afterwards, we learned about radio journalism from Paul Butler and one of my personal favorites, Nick Eicher, Executive Producer of WORLD Radio.

Radio journalism, as Eicher explained, is vastly different from the print journalism we have been working on for most of our time here up to now. Getting to know this different world of simple sentences, 'normal' words, and recording every little part of an interview was not only interesting, but entertaining thanks to our great speakers.

Didn't you know there's a difference between sound and noise? We learned this the hard way as a jackhammer pummeled the ground in the construction zone just outside of the wall of the classroom, distracting us from class. Apparently, this is considered 'noise', whereas 'sound' is anything that was useful to the purpose of a story (or in this case, lesson).

After dinner, we spent time practicing our up-and-coming photo skills around the town. The twenty-eight of us flooded the small town with cameras and invaded every corner to capture every person, place, and item with any kind of visual story from every possible angle. Our photo-editing skills are now coming along as well; stay tuned for the results!

As we wind down in the common area, the sun has gone down, but we hope it will be back in even more force tomorrow as we collect stories and photos from the local businesses and shops.