Our Alumni Network

World Journalism Institute invites all graduates to participate in WJI Network, a branch of WJI designed to unite Christian journalists and non-journalists under the common goal of advancing biblically objective journalism that informs, educates, and inspires.

Since 1999, WJI has trained over 700 journalists with tools to be effective advocates for truth and witnesses for Christ in their professions across the globe. WJI Network hosts events to foster professional and personal development like alumni reunions, free virtual workshops and seminars, and global networking opportunities.

Mission & Vision

Mission: To be a Christ-centered community of journalists who think biblically and effectively communicate grace and truth. This will develop personal and professional relationships that reform journalism and deliver the most reliable news in the World.

Vision: To advance the Gospel by connecting and equipping WJI alumni to create sound, biblically objective journalism, and to become the leading network of biblically objective journalists.

The Value of WJI Network

Keep Learning

WJI Network offers in-person regional gatherings to help WJI alumni hone their storytelling skills and learn from one another. WORLD staff and other Christian journalists teach Zoom workshops that provide opportunities to connect with the worldwide WJI community.

Build Your Network

At WJI Network, our goal is to help WJI alumni strengthen one another in faith and profession. Find job openings with WORLD on our social media, and post employment opportunities with other organizations and connect with potential interview sources. We hope to connect biblically minded employers and employees who care about living out the Gospel in their careers.

Experience Fellowship

We all crave connection and belonging. This network provides fellowship with other biblically objective thinkers, regardless of whether you are working in journalism. WJI builds on the common ground we share as Christ-followers, catalyzing spiritual growth and friendship among WJI alumni.

Share Resources

WJI Network will offer a community space for alumni to share books, advice, and journalism tools online. Stay tuned for more information as this resource-sharing platform develops.

Take the Survey

We want to hear your input as WJI Network grows! You can do this by filling out a short (3-5 minute) survey on what you would be excited to see from WJI Network.

Take the survey here.

Let's get social.

Find us on Facebook.

Connect with us on LinkedIn.

Instagram: @WJI_Network

Eventbrite: @WJINetwork

YouTube: @WJINetwork

Email: alumni@gwpub.com